TTC TrainingTradingConsulting GmbH
Enterprise purpose: trading of all kinds of goods & services
Commercial register number: FN237756t
Commercial court: Handelsgericht Wien
Head office: Stutterheimstr. 16-18, Stiege 2, 4. Stock, 1150 Wien, Austria
Tel: +43 699 1998 12 31
Member of the commercial chamber: Fachgruppe Foto-,Optik- und Medizinproduktehandel
Commercial law: Gewerbeordnung
Regulating authority:
Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen / AGES Medizinmarktaufsicht
Institut für Inspektionen, Medizinprodukte & Hämovigilanz
Traisengasse 5, 1200 Wien
E-Mail: medizinprodukte@basg.gv.at
Website: http://www.basg.gv.at/medizinprodukte
Picture credits
TTC TrainingTradingConsulting GmbH
This website is provided by TrainingTrading Consulting GmbH for general information only.
TTC TrainingTradingConsulting GmbH does not practice medicine or offer medical advice over the internet. No information provided to you by us over the internet shall be construed as the practice of medicine or an offer of medical advice. For medical advice. Please consult your own doctor.
TTC TrainingTradingConsulting GmbH is not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional services. The information provided on this web site should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease.
No information provided to you by us over the internet shall be construed to establish a physician/patient relationship. Access of this web site does not establish a physician/patient relationship between TTC TrainingTradingConsulting GmbH.
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